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Days Eggs


Days Eggs, a thriving South Australian egg producer, struggled with slow and unreliable mobile data connections across its farms. However, after implementing a state-of-the-art SD-WAN solution, Days Eggs not only solved the connectivity problem but also saw a significant boost in performance, security, and streamlined workflows.

Improving Connectivity and Security for Days Eggs

Days Eggs, a leading provider in the egg production industry, faced significant challenges due to poor connectivity across their multiple sites. With over 90 employees working from nine different locations, the company struggled with data security risks and management issues caused by their reliance on mobile connections.

In collaboration with its IT Manager, TelcoICT transformed Days Eggs network infrastructure using SD-WAN with fixed wireless NBN connections and managed Meraki solutions.


The Challenge: Juggling Connections

Days Eggs, renowned for its quality products and excellent service, encountered substantial operational inefficiencies due to unstable and insecure mobile connections. This meant critical tasks, like order processing and data synchronisation between sites, took forever.

Each of their nine sites, ranging from production facilities to administrative offices, experienced:

• Poor Connectivity: Frequent interruptions in internet service hampered daily operations, affecting productivity and communication.

• Data Security Risk: Mobile connections pose significant security risks, potentially exposing sensitive data to breaches.

• Management Issues: Managing a dispersed network environment with varying connectivity and security levels was cumbersome and time-consuming for the IT department.

These challenges hindered the company's operational efficiency and compromised its reputation and business continuity.

The TelcoICT Solution: Creating A Winning Network

Recognising the need for a more robust and secure network solution, Our TelcoICT team spearheaded the implementation of an SD-WAN with Fixed Wireless NBN connections across all sites. This comprehensive solution included:

SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network)

• Centralised Management Platform: The SD-WAN solution provided a centralised platform that enabled seamless control and monitoring of the entire network. The centralised platform transformed network management. The IT team could now oversee all nine sites from a single interface, streamlining operations and significantly reducing the complexities of managing a geographically dispersed network.

• Consistent and Reliable Connectivity: SD-WAN ensured consistent and reliable connectivity across all nine sites. Dynamically routing traffic based on real-time conditions minimised downtime and enhanced overall network performance, ensuring employees could work efficiently without interruptions.

• Optimised Traffic Flow: The SD-WAN optimised traffic flow, prioritising critical business applications and ensuring they received the necessary bandwidth. This led to improved application performance, particularly for data-intensive tasks, essential for maintaining productivity.

Fixed Wireless NBN Connections

• Stable, High-Speed Internet: Fixed Wireless NBN connections replaced the unreliable mobile connections that were previously in use. As a solution, the stable, high-speed internet improved employees' overall user experience across all sites.

• Superior Bandwidth: The new connections delivered premium bandwidth and could handle the high data demands of Days Eggs' operations. The upgrade worked more efficiently for data transfer between sites, accessing cloud services, and using communication tools that required high bandwidth.

• Reduced Latency: Fixed Wireless NBN connections also helped reduce latency, resulting in faster response times for network requests. The upgrade improved efficiency for time-sensitive operations while contributing to a smoother overall user experience for day-to-day activities.

Managed Meraki Solutions

• Advanced Security Features: Meraki was implemented at all locations and offers advanced security features such as intrusion detection, threat protection, and content filtering.

• Simplified Management: Simplified network management enabled a user-friendly interface, allowing for easy configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting of network devices.

• Proactive Issue Resolution: Taking a proactive approach ensured a secure and efficient network environment, minimising disruptions and maintaining high levels of network availability.

Enhanced Security Protocols

• Security Measures: Introducing stringent security measures now protects sensitive data from potential breaches. Implemention of security included firewalls, robust encryption protocols, and stringent access controls. These measures ensured that only authorised personnel could access critical information.

• Regular Updates and Monitoring: To safeguard the network against emerging threats, regular updates and monitoring were implemented. This included patch management, continuous vulnerability assessments, and real-time threat detection, ensuring that the network remained secure and resilient.

• Comprehensive Security Training: We also conducted comprehensive security training for employees, raising awareness about cybersecurity best practices and the importance of adhering to security protocols.

Results: The Business Impact

The improved network that TelcoICT provided as a solution created Days Eggs' operations to run more smoothly. Here's how its success impacted their business:
  1. Improved Employee Productivity:
    • With reliable connections, employees can work without interruptions, boosting productivity.
    • Better communication and collaboration tools created a more cohesive and efficient work environment.
  2. Cost Savings:
    • Less downtime and fewer operational inefficiencies led to considerable cost savings.
    • Streamlined network management reduced the need for extra IT resources, cutting operational costs.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience:
    • A reliable and secure network means the business now consistently supplies quality products and delivers them promptly.
    • Days Egg's reputation was strengthened and saw an increase in customer trust and satisfaction.
  4. Strategic Advantage:
    • The SD-WAN solution enabled using the latest technologies and innovations, giving them a competitive edge.
    • Focus was now possible on strategic growth initiatives, driving long-term success and profitability.

A Network Transformation for Future Success

Implementing SD-WAN with Fixed Wireless NBN connections and managing Meraki solutions at Days Eggs revolutionised their network infrastructure.

Prior network limitations held Days Eggs back. The improved connectivity, robust security protocols, and simplified management provided a winning recipe for success. Inspired by Days Eggs' Success? Looking to build a stronger network for your own business? We at TelcoICT are your connectivity architects. Let's work together and implement a solution that unlocks your full business potential. Contact us at TelcoICT, and let's get started on implementing a network solution for your business.

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